팝업레이어 알림


Alliance Students'
Venture Forum
25th ASVF will be held in Korea,
where the synergy of a students' venture
idea competition and a Cultural Experience promises
an unforgettable and enriching day for all attendees.


Alliance Students’ Venture Forum

Alliance Students’ Venture Forum in Korea!
Targeting all students who have a huge passion for business!
Do you have a business idea?
Develop your new or existing business ideas through Alliance Students' Venture Forum.
You can exchange your ideas with a number of students from different countries
who have brilliant ideas in new business fields.
From April 2nd to April 5th, you can create unforgettable memories
through not only a competition with a total prize of $6,000
but also through various cultural exchange activities with students from different
cultural backgrounds. We all look forward to meeting you in ASVF!
Korea (Detailed location will be announced later)
Free of charge (Not including Round-trip airfares and Visa)


  • University students with entrepreneurial and invention ideas
  • Team made up of 3 ~ 7 students from each country
  • Up to two teams from each country (up to 14 applicants)
  • School alliance team is acceptable
    (Alliance in one country only. Multiple countries are unacceptable)
  • There are no restrictions on ethnicity
  • Country standards are based on Olympics
  • Applicants must be at least 19years of age(born in 2004)

Apr.2 ~ 5, 2024

Contest Schedule

Apr.2 Orientation & Cultural experience

- Groups of students from each country will be formed by the organizer beforehand.
- Group members will be announced on Apr. 3rd

Apr.3 Presentation (business items) & Group mission activities

- Presentation by country & Award ceremony.
- Group mission topics will be announced on the day.

Apr.4 Corporate Tour & Ending party

- Visiting famous places of the venue and experiencing Korean culture.
- Reporting the group missions, as well as showcasing the performances of each country.

Apr.5 Cultural experience & Event concluded

- Leaving Korea

* The schedule is subject to change, depending on the situation

How to apply

The application process consists of 4 steps as shown below and all of them must be completed before the application is considered valid.
Submit to : asvf123@naver.com
Step 1. [Submission of application form & Idea summary / by Jan 17, 2024 (midnight)]
  • The team leader is required to gather application form of all team members and send us in email.
  • Along with the application form, team leader should also attach a summary of the idea (item) which is to be covered in 2024 ASVF.
  • Idea (item) summary (full A4 page length) should include following details:
    Item/idea title, Target customer (if necessary), Idea description, Inspiration of item/idea, Expected benefit, etc.
Step 2. [Submission of immigration information (1) / by Feb. 15, 2024 (midnight)]
  • The team leader is kindly requested to gather and submit images of passports and plane tickets (roundtrip) of all team members.
  • It is recommended that return flights be scheduled after 6:00 pm on April 6.
  • Images for the round-trip tickets must include the receipt and flight information. (Please submit online voucher images in pdf form and not mobile phone shots)
Step 3. [Submission of immigration information (2) / by Mar 27, 2024 (midmight)]
  • The team leader is requested to gather and submit images of visas of all team members.
  • Submission of visa images is not required for students of nationalities who can clear immigration without a visa.
Step 4. [Submission of prsentation / performance materials / Mar. 20, 2023 - Mar. 28, 2023]
  • The team leader is kindly requested to submit presentation materials and materials to be used in performances such as sounds and images etc.(around 7 min)

※ 한국대표는 별도의 선발절차를 통해 선발을 진행합니다.
   한국대표 모집공고는 올콘 사이트 ( www.all-con.co.kr )에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Venture idea Presentation Requirements

1. Theme: Items for start-up (no restriction on fields)
2. Presentation Time: 7 minutes
3. File Type: Microsoft PowerPoint (Prezi not allowed). Visual materials may be used Please submit the presentation file together with the font file.

Judging Criteria

Presentation Skills (Persuade audiences well) : 20%
Idea creativity and innovation : 20%
Marketability or feasibility : 20%
Idea completion (content specificity) : 20%
Economic value of idea and effectiveness of market impact : 20%


- To ensure smooth progress during the conference, there shall be no changes
to the presentation file after rehearsals on the 1st.

- Presentation will be stopped by the host if presentation time is exceeded.

- During the presentation, distributing any materials to the judges is not allowed.
However, test product demonstration is allowed.

- There shall be no Q & A.

- Each team should follow the instructions of the organizer during the event.
Any issues arising from failure to do so will not be solved by the organizer.

- Up to two teams per country can be awarded for fairness by country.


Important Notes

  • The schedule and details above may be changed by the organizer.
  • Details on cultural experience and the schedule will be announced later.
  • All the schedules announced are based on Korea time.
  • All costs incurred before and after the contest will not be paid by the organizer.
  • Each team should check in at the place of contest by Apr. 2.
  • Each team members should not engage in speech or actions insulting other team members during the event.
  • There is no dress code during the event. However, be sure to bring warm clothes to Korea as it is chilly in April.
  • All copies of passport and airline tickets will be disposed after the contest ends.


E-mail : asvf123@naver.com

Kakao talk : http://pf.kakao.com/_lNkxkG

Line / WeChat : hyeonyeong1225